Signicast, a Form Technologies Company, partnered with Forward Careers to offer internship opportunities to four individuals with minimal or no work history at their Hartford location.

Of the four interns, three participated in the Worker Advancement Initiative, as manufacturing and project engineer interns. This entailed spending time at units to understand the beginning to end of each production process before being assigned special projects that would be presented to Signicast’s leadership at the end.
Forward Careers was invited to the intern’s capstone project which showcased their experience and their project findings. These projects resulted in identifying better quality control practices and potential technology investments for Signicast.
“To witness the depth of the intern’s assignments and hands on exposure they received, was great. One specific project used data that identified a deficiency was not due to a machine, part, or program but a training improvement opportunity. Now Signicast is looking to implement this practice and use the data to help train new and incumbent workers to enhance production efficiency,” said Cindy Simons, president of Forward Careers.
As Forward Careers worked with the interns, a common theme uncovered included the impact COVID-19 had on their ability to augment their curriculum knowledge to practical experience. With studies going virtual, they lost the ability to apply their knowledge in a real work environment. The Worker Advancement Initiative has given these interns this valuable experience.
"The Workforce Advancement Initiative is a great program and was very beneficial to Signicast’s Summer 2022 Internship participants. In addition to the financial benefits the program increased the amount of coaching and mentoring by our Engineering staff via the biweekly performance goals and objective sessions,” shared John, HR Recruiting for Signicast.
To learn more about the Worker Advancement Initiative, please visit our webpage here.
About Forward Careers
Forward Careers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with over 30 years of experience administering and providing employment and training services across Southeastern Wisconsin. Established in 1990, our mission is to develop a thriving workforce and strong economy by being the preferred source for career exploration, education, skills training, and employment connections to every person and business.
Forward Careers, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider. If you need this information in an alternate format or in your preferred language, please contact us at (262) 695-7800. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired, please contact us at or through Wisconsin Relay Service at 7-1-1. This project is 100% or partially funded by the Department of Labor Employment & Training Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act/Emergency Recovery Grant/Department of Corrections Windows to Work, US Department of Treasury; American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)/Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds: Worker Advancement Initiative, Department of Labor Pathway Home 2, Department of Children and Families - John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood, Women & Girls Fund of Waukesha County, & United Way of Washington County.