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Wilo Exposes Future Talent to Industry through Work Experience Opportunities

Writer's picture: Forward CareersForward Careers

The Worker Advancement Initiative brings Wilo and Forward Careers together to provide valuable work-based learning opportunities to individuals with limited and/or nontraditional work histories.

Wilo USA is a proud leader in the pump industry and a premium supplier for building services, water management and industrial sectors. They have been enjoying the summer alongside 11 interns that are gaining hands-on experiences in Business, Engineering, IT, Marketing, Operations, and Purchasing.

Wilo and Forward Careers' partnership included 5 interns participation in the Worker Advancement Initiative as an IT intern, 3 Industrial Engineer interns, a Manufacturing Engineer intern, and an Electrical Engineer intern.

"As young workers are entering a uniquely evolving labor market, gaining meaning work experiences remains vital and Wilo has been a great partner that understands the importance of exposing their industry to the future workforce." said Cindy Simons, president at Forward Careers.

To learn more about the interns, please visit Wilo’s webite here.

To learn more about the Worker Advancement Initiative, please visit our webpage here.

About Forward Careers

Forward Careers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with over 30 years of experience administering and providing employment and training services across Southeastern Wisconsin. Established in 1990, our mission is to develop a thriving workforce and strong economy by being the preferred source for career exploration, education, skills training, and employment connections to every person and business.


Forward Careers, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider. If you need this information in an alternate format or in your preferred language, please contact us at (262) 695-7800. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired, please contact us at or through Wisconsin Relay Service at 7-1-1. This project is 100% or partially funded by the Department of Labor Employment & Training Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act/Emergency Recovery Grant/Department of Corrections Windows to Work, US Department of Treasury; American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)/Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds: Worker Advancement Initiative, Department of Labor Pathway Home 2, Department of Children and Families - John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood, Women & Girls Fund of Waukesha County, & United Way of Washington County.



Hours of operation

Monday - Friday       8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday - Sunday    Closed


Copyright © 2019 Forward Careers, Inc.

Forward Careers, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider. If you need this information or printed material in an alternate format, or in different language, please contact us at 262.695.7880. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired, please contact us at or through Wisconsin Relay Service at 7-1-1.

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